Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I'm back - with heterogeneous multicore computing!

Following the (bad) blogger tradition of long periods of silence followed by a "I'm back!" post, here we go :)

In the past 2.5 years I did a lot of things that I really felt like I should blogged about here, mostly as part of the fantastic Erasmus Mundus in Embedded Computing Systems (EMECS) master programme, but ah well. I intend to share the rest of my embedded systems and computer architecture adventures here, and if I manage to get back into the writing mode I might even become retrospective and write about some cool stuff I've seen during the Long Period of Silence :P

To summarize the current situation, I'm in the last semester of the EMECS programme writing my Master's thesis, and recently got a PhD position offer from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Computer Architecture and Design Group. My thesis and the doctoral research for the following 4 years will be in the fascinating world of heterogeneous multicore architectures, and at the heart of the reason for doing all this still lies the same craving which fueled my Google Summer of Code 2010 project at BeagleBoard with dsp-rpc-posix: to make these amazing hardware be used to their full or near-full potential more easily by more developres.

On a more specific level of detail, my MSc thesis is going to be about developing a simulator for a tile-based heterogeneous architecture. I've done a bit of literature research and review of existing simulator work (and most naturally, a brain muddled due to trying to absorb all that information in 1.5 weeks) and for the moment it feels like I'll be basing my work on ArchC / SystemC for a variety of reasons which I'll hopefully go more into soon.

Expect to see blog posts about practical SystemC/ArchC issues, random ramblings about heterogeneous multicore architectures and maybe some cool embedded systems projects soon!

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